In my last post, I shared how my husband and I were realizing a dream come true… speaking AND vacationing on a cruise ship. You saw the pictures. It was an interesting learning experience for sure!

Sight seeing in St, Maartens

But not just about how to speak on a ship, but about the whole intention behind the cruise experience. I’m always amazed at how much more I get out of life or a planned experience than what I expect… and I’m a positive thinker!

I’m sure it’s because God is a God that goes beyond our imagination and what we can think, hope, or dream. (Eph 3:20)

I LOVE that about Him!

Well, I was blessed beyond measure on this trip. The biggest surprise was just how genuinely hospitable every single member of the cruise staff was.

You see, their tip was already written into the plan.

Cruisers pay upfront for gratuities. While it’s true that you could give more, generally people don’t because the tip the cruise line charges us is already quite generous. So… what was their incentive to go the extra mile? To bring me coffee in the am, or an extra towel, or find sliced almonds in the kitchen for my oatmeal?

Yes, we could say it’s their job, but really… we all know those who are in the service business, and sometimes … you just don’t get high quality service. Uh-no.

Well, after talking to countless members of the crew (I just can’t help myself!), we discovered it was their delight to see us delighted.  They wanted to make sure we received EVERYTHING our little ole hearts desired, to know NO BOUNDS, and to feel as if there was NOTHING we could do wrong.

I just had to drink that attitude in, bask in it awhile, savor it’s freedom, and then, like a whisper in my heart, I heard God say, “That’s nothing compared to how I want you to feel with Me.”

Now, please do not rake me over the coals because you think I am making God out to be our waiter or servant! I am not. But it is my heart’s desire that you trust that He is all for you, and desires to give to you in big and small ways.

You know, we often worry because deep in our minds and hearts, we fear God has abandoned us, that our needs are too small (or too big) to be of concern to Him, or what we want is not the thing a person like us should want. We doubt God cares or approves of our hopes and dreams.

So…. The first thing I would recommend to give your dreams and desires an electrical zap – spend time with the Master Dreamer.

Spend time with the Master Dreamer

You were once a dream in His imagination. Then give yourself permission and freedom to dream, to express your desire, and believe for their fulfillment.

Remember it was Jesus Himself who said, “Whatsoever you desire, when you pray, believe you have it, and you will have it.”

Once your dreams have taken root, assess what needs to be done to make it happen. Trust God to give you a plan or strategy.

Trust Him to provide the resources.

Then make a step toward it.