This is Christmas week! And the only goals you are probably thinking about are getting those last minute presents purchased and wrapped, the fabulous meal you will either be cooking or eating, or cleaning and decorating your house to receive the company that usually descends upon on us during this special season.
And so… I will not be posting the 4th installment of Goal Setting/Getting Wisdom.
Instead, I send to you my fondest regards and heart-felt thanks for being a part of my community. I pray that you would have a brilliant revelation of how much God loves you, cares for you, and desires you. You are special to Him, and at this time of year, I believe that thought reaches a higher corporate level than any time in the year.
I also know that this time of year can be one of the hardest for some. Maybe there’s a family loss associated with it, or financial hardship becomes even more pronounced, or the sadness of not having a loved one to share this time with is more difficult to bear…. for you I pray for a supernatural, struck-by-lightening kind of encounter with LOVE Himself, and you will feel even more cared for than ever. May a surprise visit, or financial provision, or deep healing knock on your door, and you experience the love of God in a whole new way.
Whatever you circumstances, I declare the immense, immeasurable, and totally complete Love of God to press upon you, your family, and all of your life. May there be unusual harmony between you and family members. May laughter abound and tears of joy fall be unrestrained. May this be a year of exceedingly great happiness come to you all.
I love you so!
Merry Christmas!!