maryann-whatweseeI hope these blog posts about goal setting are an encouragement to you! This is such an area where people feel so defeated!

God has big plans for us, but sometimes all we can see are disappointments and failed attempts!

That’s right! What we SEE often determines how we feel, and ultimately what we get.

Setting our goals is very different than achieving our goals, but if our attitude about setting goals is positive, then achieving them will be much more fun, fulfilling, and likely.


So how can we FEEL better about the goals we set? We began this discussion last week:

Principle #1

Set goals that are bigger than is possible for you to do on your own

Goals that only God can achieve naturally take the pressure off of us!  Let’s get excited! If you missed Part 1, click here

But how do we know which goals to choose?

So often I have set my goals according to what others said I should do, only to feel frustrated and like a loser.  I remember once a coach told me I had to get out there and get speaking engagements if I wanted to succeed. That was an ok goal, except I had no platform! What was I supposed to do – set up a podium in the mall? I felt thwarted and this particular coach had no strategy for me.

But I sought God, and He directed me to have my first event…and to make it educational, inspiring, and fun. “Treat it like an experiment,“ I heard Him say. I listened for every detail: the location, the content, the guest list… This was before I ever wrote a book, had a website, or an email list!


But this event led to a speaking engagement, and another, and another. Knowing it was from God took the anxiety away and gave me sheer joy and confidence. This leads me to:

Principle #2

Consult with God about your goals.

“But Maryann, does God REALLY care about my results?”  God is a results-oriented God. So I would say so!!

While Jesus walked this earth, He got things done – whether healing the lame, feeding 4000+, casting a net in just the right location to get an abundance of fish, turning water to the best wine, pulling a coin out of a fish’s mouth to pay taxes … He got stuff done!

He wants to do stuff through you, too. Fun stuff. Important stuff. Eternal stuff. Stuff that blesses you and blesses others. He wants you to succeed. Over and over, God gives clues as to how to have everything we do prosper. He is a creative, productive, and results-oriented God.

And you are His child and have His DNA. So embrace the fact that He cares, and has equipped you to achieve your goals and get amazing results. You need to know He is on your side and working on your behalf. You may know this at some level, but it’s got to get down deep within you, like in those embedded subconscious places.

Mark 11:24 says “Whatsoever you desire, when you pray, believe you will have it, and you shall have it.” God’s intention is pretty clear there!

“But, Maryann, I don’t really know how to consult with God, hear His voice, or feel comfortable in His presence.”

Well, there are definitely very good reasons for how you feel!!  But stay tuned, because in just a couple of days, I will give you some tips for this!

maryann-divider-wideAny questions or comments, please feel free to give them below.

