Is your dream, health, business … or life threatened by worry?
Ours was!
Recently we were shocked to discover my very strong and healthy husband had a malignant BRAIN TUMOR … a worry that went undetected for almost 41 years!
They say, “What you think about, you bring about.”
But thank God for miracles and excellent doctors! His brain is now cancer-free!
However, because of the tumor, loss of income, added medical expenses and decreased energy, the door to WORRY opened wide!
Worry is a cancer and we decided to be done!

Maryann Ehmann
Dream Activator, Lifestyle Business Mentor
We discovered we could turn our WORRY into WONDER,
Join us for this elevating 6 Week Online Group Coaching Program,
“If I Don’t Worry, What Do I Do Instead?!”
There is another way!
Let’s kick worry to the curb together!
At the end of 6 weeks you will:
Downloadable worksheets
Maryann is an amazing coach and mentor! What I admire most about her is how well-rounded she is. I think she has mastered every profession in the world! Maryann’s spirituality shines through in her warm and compassionate demeanor, although she’s not afraid to get down to business and call it like she sees it. She has helped me tremendously develop more confidence, tweak my billing system, give myself a long overdue raise, and handle the increased flow of new business as we continue to work together! I wholeheartedly recommend Maryann!

Working with Maryann is intense in a wonderful and exhilarating way. I went from feeling uncertain and insecure to, by the end of my full day with her, finding my inner Princess Leia.

Why am I doing this?
Dear Friends,
You’ve heard this said a million times, “I’m only saying this because I love you and it’s for your own good.”
Well, that’s how I feel as I write this.
Yeah, that may sound weird in a so-called sales page, and I may not even know you personally, but I do love you and I’m on a mission to do what I can to dismantle the power of worry.
Because worry is an insidious, slimy interrupter. It’s not a badge of honor because you care. It’s not a helpful problem solver. It’s not an innocent presence.
Worry constricts and even cuts off the flow of abundance, whether it’s good health you desire, a steady stream of clients or customers, time with your family, or funds for your adventures.
Worry drains your energy and your resources.
If you are a person on a mission, if you have a work you love, if you are trying to create your magnificent life, then you need love, funds, resources, time, energy, ideas, strategies, and opportunities…. And the degree to which you worry, is the degree to which you limit these things.
But everyone worries, you say?
Yes, it’s true, and that is why so many are living half-lives. That is why so many are not going for their dreams, let alone fulfilling them. That is so many are giving up from exhaustion and inadequate resources.
I know. I have experienced the angst of worry and the freedom from it, too.
Worry does not have to be something we accept as normal. We can be free.
But we don’t get free by ignoring worry, obsessing about it, or swatting it away like an annoying gnat.
We get free by saying we are done and knowing what to do instead.
But it isn’t just about freedom, as awesome as that is! When you are free from worry, your life changes. You open the flow of all you need to move forward. Your energy increases, your hope is renewed, the cloud lifts, provision appears out of “no where!”
It’s a magnificent thing.
That is why I want to help you create a WORRY-FREE ZONE around you. I want to help you be aware of when it invades your thoughts and what to do about it. I want to empower you with new habits, strategies, and solutions, so you can move forward with even greater focus, finances, and fun!
My Approach:
My best tools, empowerment, and strategies come from God. Many of my strategies are spiritual. However, we will also examine and use some of the best research from brain science and quantum physics. I see all help as a gift from the hand of God, as He is Creator. You will be amazed at what shows up to assist and support you!
My Story:
Several years ago I successfully offered this master class, “If I Don’t Worry, What Do I Do Instead?” At the time, I was very focused on teaching about worry, how to dismantle it and transform yourself from a worrier to a warrior. I had been the Queen of Worry, had determined to be done with that, and having done so and seeing the massive benefits of knowing what to do with worry, I felt compelled to pass it on.
But after several rounds of presenting the class, I was ready to move on. My business grew, the brand changed, and grew some more. I discovered keys to attracting a steady stream of clients, I crossed the desired 6 figure threshold, and continued to enjoy a whole slew of new adventures and opportunities. There was nothing I could do stop the flow!
Or so I thought.
For the first time in a number of years, I began to worry again. Oh, it was subtle. It was sneaky and I didn’t catch it. Worry is like that. It’s just a thought. Then another.
Without going into all the gory details (I will share more in the program as it pertains to this subject), let me just say that stuff began to happen.
Because my business was stable and I could do it from anywhere, we decided to finally move out west.
Preparing a large house and property filled with 24 years of stuff for sale, moving across country into a new area, my husband having a melanoma on his face, getting painfully stung twice by 2 scorpions in our new desert digs, undergoing 2 pulmonary embolisms for which he was hospitalized, and then … a BRAIN TUMOR –all while having to attend to my clients and keep growing my business – was plenty to trigger a re-visitation of worry.
After a few out of control meltdowns, worry became unmasked. I saw it for what it was. The jig was up.
I had let down my guard. I had ignored the worries and thought I was focusing on what needed focus. I was not addressing the what ifs, but letting them take up space in my head without challenge.
All of this compelled me to get back to basics, get back to love, and get back to what I knew about worry.
And guess what? Since I have – the portals have opened, the kink in the hose has been straightened, finances are flowing, a plan for health and healing has emerged.
This works.
I am now compelled to extend the love and support to you and do this training.
Yes, it is not free, but my goal was to make it so affordable that anyone who needed it could take advantage of it.
So, as I said… I love you, and this is for your own good. Join me as we demystify worry, dismantle its power, and form solid life long strategies that will help you rise about any worry and triumph.
Join us. Be done with worry, too.