Overcome Any Obstacle, Find and Free Your True Voice,

Create Magic From Mistakes!

Did you know there is a powerful, dynamic, and influential speaker in you?

Yes! It’s true!

And there is in me, too!

We each have a unique voice

with a unique perspective
forged from years of trauma, triumphs, and transformation!

Your voice and message are channels for love!

YOU are your VOICE! 

our y!OU

But maybe, like me, you only saw glimpses of that influential speaker.

Suffocating under the weight of pressure to perform, fear of judgment, lack of clarity, and who the heck wants to listen to me anyway, you felt held back?

You may have heard harsh words like

“Don’t you ever shut up?!!!” 

or “There she goes again, little Miss Show Off!” 

Those voices and outside forces can stick with us

unconsciously dampening our confidence.

Maybe you have been speaking awhile and have done much inner work, but even after all these years, you still haven’t found or totally embraced your true voice … and you know the next evolution of who you really are is so close to fully emerging!

Whatever the case, no matter how experienced or inexperienced you are, you know the fullest expression of who you are has yet to be seen.

Can I help with that?

You bet I can!


Join me in this special, one day zoom workshop

May 5, 2023, 8 am – 1 pm pst


In this highly entertaining, inspiring, and activating special event, I’ll bare my soul, share all my foibles, bloopers and mistakes AND show you how I STILL ended up getting Best Speaker awards, making a massive impact and

receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I know you can do this, too!!

A $999 Experience
Special Pricing: $111 for the first 15 fun-loving souls
$222 for everyone thereafter

You know, it’s one thing to hear, “You don’t need to be perfect… in fact, it’s better if you try not to be!” and as good as that sounds …


Listen, I totally get it.

I was leery, too. How I wanted to believe that!

Well, guess what? It’s absolutely true!

Through my years of speaking, I am convinced that every obstacle, mistake, and rebellious decision led me to this:

It was all perfect!

Why? Because I focused on the LOVE.

That is the secret!

Not strategies, techniques, catchy phrasing, or just the right way to stand and use your arms.

You can even say “um”!

When you are flowing in the frequency of love, fear has no chance, people love you, and you can’t make a mistake that is irrevocable, unredeemable, or regrettable!

And my stories prove it.

I will show you how!

Join me on Zoom

May 5, 2023
8 am to 1 pm Pacific

A $999 Experience
Special Pricing: $111 for the first 15 fun-loving souls

$222 for everyone thereafter

You may be saying, “Maryann, I have already invested in plenty of amazing speaker training programs, with some of the best teachers out there…”

I get that, too!

However, if you’re like I was … despite how great the program was and how many years of experience I had, pressure arose every time it came to creating my “signature” talk, or my world changing mission statement,

or how I was THE best at whatever…

Deer in Headlights.

You feel me?

I feel you!

That is one of many reasons that I created this special event,

… to take the pressure off

… to lighten your load

… to counteract all that is out there that actually suppresses your voice,

rather than liberate it!

So… in this workshop, once we lighten up and take the pressure off,

a magical thing will happen …


Just. Like. That.

Through my proprietary activation exercises, you will be renewed and refreshed in your purpose, message, and your truest self!


This will be one of the most enjoyable and productive days ever!

Join me May 5, 2023
8 am to 1 pm Pacific

A $999 Experience
Special Pricing: $111 for the first 15 fun-loving souls
$222 for everyone thereafter

Here’s A Brief Snippet of What You Will Learn:

How to SHARE YOUR MESSAGE, even when everyone is saying “No”!

How to turn a 5 MINUTE TALK into $50K

How to go from embarrassing mistakes to BEST SPEAKER AWARD

How flowing in the frequency of love MAGNETIZES INVITATIONS TO SPEAK,

even when you don’t know what you are doing.


even when people say, “No one wants to hear that.”

The SINGLE FEAR that will shut you up for far too long and how to OVERCOME it.

The ONE STORY that brought in HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of DOLLARS in revenue.

And so much more!

And of course, there’s a BONUS!

Access to my newly reactivated private Love-Empowered Success FB group.

In there you will find a vault of guides and programs like:

30 Days to Abundance – a powerful video immersion course that will upscale your money mindset and overall feeling about abundance, teach you how to identify false beliefs about abundance, and transform them into prosperous ones!

30 Day Miracle Challenge – this program was inspired during the beginning of Covid 2020 to help us get out of fear and into what is positive and possible. Though the intensity is over, the need to have a miraculous view of life still exists… more than ever.

(The first couple videos had some tech issues… but they smooth out.)

The Queen’s Way – this set of videos helps you to see yourself as a woman of authority, influence and integrity. You will never be treated like a door mat again after this series!!

The value of these programs?


However, people have paid up to $3000 to join the group, access these programs

and be a part of this community.

Join me May 5, 2023
8 am to 1 pm Pacific

A $999 Experience

Special Pricing:

$111 for the first 15 fun-loving souls

$222 for everyone thereafter