A 90-Day Online Total Success Group Mentoring Program
Accessing God’s Power, Purpose, and Favor for Your Success
Your Success is Important to This World! Your Success is Important to God!
Your Success is Important to Me!
Join Me and 11 Other Bold, Brave, and Beautiful Women In
This First-Time-Ever Offer BETA Program!
Beginning Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 9 am PST/12 noon EST
Conference Line Will Be Provided
Are you a Christian woman business owner who has big dreams, goals, and desires but is often feeling thwarted in achieving them?
Have you tried the programs, done the things everyone says to do, and still feel like you’re lost at sea?
Have you secretly wondered why your prayers aren’t getting answered and you aren’t seeing results?
Would you like a little accountability to and support from like-minded people who have YOUR best interest at heart?
Has overwhelm, frustration, and confusion, as to the next step, become your normal?
Is your business starting to cause problems in your relationships, despite how understanding your loved ones are?
Is “Going for Broke” becoming more of a reality than a metaphor for dedication?
Are beginning to wonder… am I REALLY supposed to be doing this?
Would You Like A FRESH Approach?
Could it be that God has already laid out some powerful words and principles for manifesting the dreams in our hearts, fulfilling our purpose, and increasing our bank accounts that we have yet to OWN?
Could it be that He is waiting for us to turn to HIM in HOT PURSUIT for all we need, want, and desire, rather than every guru out there who claims to have the magic bullet?
Could it be that He has the creative solutions, the opportunities, and all the power we need to do all He has called us to do?
Could it be that He has picked YOU as His bright and shining star and wants to promote and elevate you before (wo)men?
Are you ready for your life to miraculously change in just 90 days?
I know this is a bold promise! And if it were just me working with you, I could never make this claim. But I am not working alone and neither are you! God is on your side and your success is His desire!
Hello Beauty!
I’m going to take a stab here at the state of your reality…. it isn’t producing what you know it could or what you want it to!
I’m seeing it everywhere…. bright, beautiful, brilliant women who love God and His Kingdom, pursuing their dream and calling, here to serve the world in magnificent, unique ways … and frustrated, discouraged, and on the verge of calling it quits. Maybe you wonder:
Where’s this big impact I’m supposed to be making?
What am I not getting?
Are you sure you want me doing this, Lord?
Well, let me let you in on a little secret… that is most people’s reality, despite all the courses taken, money spent, and blood, sweat and tears expended… and quite frankly, it’s raising my hackles as I think about the giggles the enemy must be having as he throws monkey wrenches into the works!
But the good news is (and there is ALWAYS good news!!), all that frustration is driving them to consider… maybe God has a better way!!
I know, like many, you are probably seeking God, praying, even declaring that you are the Daughter of a King, an heiress to blessing…. but you may wonder why should you excel when so many other wonderful Christians are suffering.
You may even be thinking you should be getting this support from the Church, but you probably noticed… at least at this time in history, the Church is woefully ill-equipped to help entrepreneurs! In fact, many ministry leaders just don’t get us!
Religious dogma often makes Christian entrepreneurs a little sheepish about even talking about their businesses openly for fear of judgment. Sad, but true.
All these things secretly hold you back, steal your blessings, and make you double-minded.
Then…. I am ready to share these principles with a select group of you, and I am absolutely convinced that those who sign up will experience profound breakthroughs in many areas of your life.
[features_box_light_blue width=”75%” + border=”1px”]Look at what one of my dear clients experienced all in one week…[red_arrow_list width=”100%”]
- a family reconciliation after years of separation,
- a new sales contract for her business,
- her back healed of severe pain,
- information that she is getting twice as much income in June than expected, and a bonus…
- a full night of sleep without any worry![/red_arrow_list][/features_box_light_blue]
These results are wonderful, but there is much more in store for her… and YOU! (These results did not come over night, mind you… we had been working together at that point for about 5 weeks, and she was getting results beginning in week 1, but once she began to walk in greater power, the multiplication began and in surprising, delightful ways!)
So, what will you get by joining this MASTER’S-Mind?
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- WEEKLY mentoring, accountability, and small, intimate group support for a full 90 days to INCREASE your business and personal RESULTS
- A light heart, a cheery countenance, and refreshed hope, a hope that will not disappoint you!!
- An upleveled mindset about PROSPERITY that does not conflict with your value system
- CLARITY about your desires, goals, and dreams. If you don’t know what you want, or are squeamish about asking for it, then chances are — you aren’t getting it. Come and learn how to go for your desires.
- ALIGNMENT with God’s plans and purposes for YOU!
- The CONFIDENCE to step into your OWN power rather than be whipped around by everyone else’s.
- Basic training in QUANTUM PHYSICS and how it agrees with God to help strengthen your faith in your manifesting power.
- A solid strategy to END NIGHTTIME ANXIETIES.
- Surprise blessings! Just for fun!
- NON-JUDGMENTAL, acceptance and support
- Special Beta Program savings! $500 off $997 full price, in consideration for your participation in this BETA program.
But this IS FOR YOU if:
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- You love God and desire to see His power made manifest in every area of your life.
- You are passionate about your God-given assignment here on this earth, or passionate about finding out what it is.
- You desire to increase in favor with God and men.
- You want to see RESULTS!
- You are committed to aligning your thoughts, words, and actions with your assignment.
- You are teachable.
- You are committed to your goals, dreams and desires.
- You are as interested in the success of others as your own.
- You are non-judgmental and accepting.
- You are willing to keep track of your wins, so they can be testimonies of God’s work in and through you, as well as your strength of this program.
- You will stay involved for 90 days in order to see your desires manifest.
How often will we meet and where?
Calls will begin April 16, 2013, Tuesday mornings, at 9am PST/12 noon EST, once a week over a conference line to be supplied to you after sign up.
What will the format of the call be?
Calls will be 60-90 minutes long divided into 3 sections:
Part 1: Greeting and Celebrations. Hearing the wins each week, especially the miracles, are encouraging and elevating to us all. Accountability time!
Part 2: Revelatory teaching by me, you, or a guest expert to help increase and strengthen your faith, develop solid strategies, and magnify the force of favor in your life.
Part 3: With Holy Spirit guidance, you will decide what the next step is for you to take to get you closer to your goals. You will set your intentions for the week, share them, and get loving, powerful support from your friends.
What about throughout the week?
You will have email access to me, as well as daily affirmations.
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All calls will be recorded and edited for dead space and unnecessary chatter and delivered to your inbox within 48 hours.
You will get to come to my 3rd Annual Breakthrough Experience, January 9-11, 2014, at the Lowes Coronado Bay Resort for the hugely discounted rate of $197 (registration will be $997 at the door).
The exclusive coffee cup, “You’re My Favorite!” will be shipped to your door.[/features_box_yellow]
Join me! Not only will it be highly productive for you, it will be a blast!