I approach speaking and training in the same way I approach everything else in my life. For me and the community I’m speaking to, 3 elements must be present: 1. It has to be FUN. I realized a long time ago that fun always makes the message more accessible. In addition, I like to have fun, and from what I’ve seen, others do too! 2. It must be FREEING. We are all so trapped in worry sometimes that we can’t even see clearly. If what I have to say and teach doesn’t make my audience feel lighter, free-er, and more able to take on the world, then… really… what’s the point? 3. It must lead to greater FULFILLMENTfulfillment. We are made for a reason, created with purpose on purpose. It is my passion to help people live their dream, find that purpose, and make it happen. I will never put a bunch of heavy to-do’s on your people that will only weigh them down. My aim is to encourage and inspire them to go for it. I teach practical tools and provide interactive exercises in how to find their passion and keep it alive. So, there you have it. …
May 2 2013- Speaking
by Maryann