by Maryann
Do you have a dream that has died, withered away, and gone with the wind? Do you have a call on your life that seems impossible to fulfill? Are you discouraged and tempted to give up on it? Do you have a desire or longing you have been hanging on to in faith, but... by Maryann
I declare over you this week, a week of RECEIVING all that God has for you in your personal and professional life! It’s all there for us, right?! Today I’d like to address, once again, the practice of receiving, but before I do, let me say that BELIEVING is the gate... by Maryann
One of the pivotal verses of all time for me is Romans 5:17. Basically it says that when we RECEIVE the abundance of grace and divine favor AND the free gift of righteousness, then we are enabled and empowered to REIGN as KINGS/QUEENS in this life, through Christ.... by Maryann
In my last post, I shared with you my directive for 2014 … Trust Without Borders! I heard from God, “Be ready!” I wasn’t sure for what, but I knew it would be good! Did you know trust produces results? Sometimes even without apparent corollary actions! My desire... by Maryann
Thank you for opting in to Create Your Magnificent Life!! You are Magnificent and I believe with all my heart that you are meant to have a Magnificent Life! But, as we know, life doesn’t always reflect that reality, does it?! Hidden blocks, self-sabotage, lack... by Maryann
How is your New Year’s going so far? Did you happen to present to God a desire for the year? I did, and I’ll tell you what it is in a minute and why, but first let me just say a quick word about 2013… Last year, I came to the point of committing to...